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Historical and Industry Politicial Causes
of the Neglect of Time factors

First Occurrences: Philosopher Wars in ancient Greece:

The party of motion and change, Proponent: Heraklit (panta rhei).

The party of stasis and eternity, Proponents: Eleatics (Parmenides, Zeno) and Platon.

The Stasis party wins.
Christianity later adopts Platonic model: a steady state system of an eternal kingdom of God and the heavens.

Natural Science adopts another version of the Platonic model: a steady state system of eternal natural laws.
In Physics: energy equilibrium mathematics is easier than dissipative systems, and disequilibrium. Therefore here also static emphasis.

Gotthard Günther (1976, x): "Time is exorcized from the system of natural laws."

Computer Science has little concern with time issues (Halang).

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