- Contents
- Title Page
1. Balanced - (Phi-) Trees: The Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Noo-logy
1.1. Introduction: The Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Noo-logy
1.2. Kinds of Knowledge
1.3. Pattern Transmission Classes
1.4. A Perspective Ordering of Pattern Transmission Classes
1.5. The geospheric embedding of Pattern Transmission Classes
1.6. Noo-logy and Kalypto-logy
1.7. Time, storage, performance, and the pragmatics of knowledge
1.8. The Bibliosphere, and the crisis of witing
1.9. Continuation
1.10. Bibliography
2. Hypertext as a practical method for balancing the Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Knowledge
2.1. Abstract
2.2. Practical Background
2.3. Time factors and the computer industry
2.4. Bottlenecks and limitations of present technology
2.5. Neuronal Resonance: the lost secret of the craft traditions
2.6. The Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Hypertext
2.7. Time and the Ecology of Pragmatic Knowledge
2.8. Desiderata
2.9. The LPL hypertext converter
2.10. Bibliography