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"Magic" Triangles and
the Essential Time Factor

Time is a "magic" factor strongly influencing performance in Cognitive Engineering (see: Tognazzini 1993). Its effects are much less well researched than visual, and spatial factors.

The military represents that organized social body of humanity which has carried on in an unparalleled manner the traditions of fine-honed time organization and coordination from the earliest beginnings of hunt and warfare down to the age of intercontinental ballistic missiles. As time factors are more of a secret ingredient to victory, their importance has tended to be handled low-key: The less was known about them, the better for the party relying on them.

The highest-ever perfection of application of time factors is in the Asian Martial Arts techniques which rely on embedding their workings in the subconcious neuronal control levels so that they can be applied below the awareness threshold (the cogent moment) of the opponent. Here the "magic" can be seen at work, and the enormous attraction of these arts testifies its effect.

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