5. The morphology of metapatterns: the Triad of Entity-Relation-Transaction
I will now return to the fundamental {onto-logical /
epistemo-logical / experiential} logic structure presented above: "The three
existential world centers: SUB, OBJ, SEM":
{} {} {}
{circle} X {square} X
Focusing on the epistemological aspect, we can map this to the
fundamental categories of:
{}:{Entity/State/Substance} {}:{Transition/Process}
{circle}:{Entity/State/Substance} X
{square}:{Transition/Process} X
and the corresponding grammatical elements:
{circle}:{noun} {square}:{verb}
These are fundamental categories of cognition as they are
{channeled / filtered} through a (slightly)
ian language grid. The presently dominating
indo-european language models make ready provision for two of the
epistemological categories {Entity/State/Substance} and {Transition/Process},
while obliterating (or treating as insignificant) the possible third category of
The noun marks category {circle}/{}, the verb
marks category {square}/{}, while category {triangle}/{} is relegated to
spurious word forms called particles, adverbs, or adjectives. In other words,
this means that the category {triangle}/{} is treated in indo-european language
models as subordinate.
In the history of philosophy, different schools of thought
have differently weighed their world models according to these linguistic
(Sapir-Whorfian) categories:
by Parmenides, Zeno, and
Platon, we
can entertain a fundamental cognitive model based on {static entities /
unchanging substances / persistent objects / eternal, immutable ideas}.
by Heraklit, we can entertain a fundamental
cognitive model based on {
process / transaction / transition}.
by the Buddhist philosophy of pattica
[52], we can entertain a
fundamental cognitive model based on {
inter-relation / inter-causality /
5.1. The attractor principle of the Entity-Relation-Transaction triad
The cognitive dynamics of the attractor principle of the ERT
can be better visualized in this diagram:
The triadic poles of the ERT are mutually interdependent and
exclusive. In the realm of cognition, a percept can either be perceived as
entity/substance/essence, as
relation, or as
transition/process. This is a tripolar all-or-none decision, a
trichotomy, anything can be perceived only in one way at a time. A
similar (but binary, dichotomic) process occurs in the flip-picture of a Gestalt
image, like it was shown in the familiar Boring women picture. The three poles
of ERT act as attractors
[53] in a similar sense
as used in Chaos theory as they pull the percept to either one pole. This
dynamic property of attractors has been described as
trina machina mundi
by Korvin-Krasinski.
The above considerations can now be condensed and lead to a
three-fold Gestalt flip of cognitive dynamics. This is here called the
morphology of metapatterns, the ERT:
ERT: {entity / state / substance}, relation, {transaction
/ transition / process}.
morphology of metapatterns is the logical ordering
by which
patterns of patterns arise.
The catagories relevant for this are given by Gotthard Günther's reflexion
theoretical polycontextural logics. Günther
(1976-1980). In (1976: 282-296), (1979: 252-264), (1980: 104-135), he gives a
systematics of levels of reflection, called
proto- deutero- and
trito- structures (1980: 111). In the present context, this systematics
is applied to different levels of reflexivity in pattern perception. The
different levels of reflexivity are called
deutero-, and
trito- patterns
5.2. Metanoia: a Gestalt flip of cognitive dynamics
The cognitive dynamics can take three non-conversible
(extracontextural) forms as proto-patterns which we have listed
1) The Parmenides view of
2) The Heraklit view of {process / transition /
3) The Buddhist pattica samuppada view of {relation /
On reflection of these proto-patterns, a Gestalt flip
of the cognitive dynamics can occur, called metanoia. The ability to
perform a metanoia, leads to the formation of the first level of
metapatterns, the deutero-patterns, ie. reflexions upon
reflexion. The next level of metapatterns, is to reflect on the form
of the changes of reflexions, which is a trito-pattern, and the ERT
scheme presented here is such a trito-pattern of perception.
5.3. The cognitive model of Entity
Examples for
entity oriented cognitive models are the
idealist cases of the
Platonic eternal, immutable ideas, and the
Christian eternal immortal soul, or of
material substances that
stay the same "in themselves" while their configurations may change. See also
(1991: 46).
5.4. The cognitive model of Process
An example for a
process oriented cognitive model view
of is that of 20th century physics, driven by the second law of thermodynamics
of ever increasing
entropy, in which the universe is involved in an
unrelenting thermodynamic dissipation process that is inevitably drifting toward
thermodynamic equilibrium. Genz
(1994: 76).
(1982: 56-58). In this view, even the
apparently stable atomic particles "are temporary stable configurations of
reciprocating forces (Wechselwirkungen)" Jantsch (1982: 63). They may have a
lifetime of many billion years, but in the end, everything will run down into
thermal dissipation and equilibrium. Social theories that are based on the
thermodynamic principle of entropy are presented by
(1994) and Bloom
5.5. The cognitive model of Relation
The third cognitive model of
relation is that of
interconnectedness, and of pattern. While the first two cognitive models are
fairly easy to understand for Western thinking, the third one is not. To achieve
this perception, another
metanoia is needed like it was demonstrated in
the re-tracing of the awakening of the Buddha, Whitehead's society paradigm, and
Macy's description of dependent causation in the model of general systems
theory. The pattern view has been described by Bateson
(1979: 18) as "a pattern that connects", referring to Goethe (p. 17). Bateson's
definition of
context (1979: 15) "
as a pattern through time" is
the essential platform for the present systematics of the cultural pattern.
It is within the individual freedom of the observer by which
side of the flip she will construct her reality and if and how long she will let
herself get stuck on any of them. (As is evidenced by the fact that whole
civilizations have been stuck on one or the other end of the flip for centuries
and even millennia). This discussion is not presented towards the aim that any
one these possible flip patterns is inherently better or more useful than the
others, and by no means is it implied that there is anywhere a "real world" that
follows this structure. Quite to the contrary. The educating effect of
entertaining various versions of a Gestalt flip is to learn to make the
perceptive system so flexible that one can flip forth and back at will, and not
be stuck to any one of the positions.
[49] this is needed for the
html-conversion which loses the graphic symbols
[50] this is needed for the
html-conversion which loses the graphic symbols
[51] this is needed for the
html-conversion which loses the graphic symbols
[52] See the section:
"Paticca samuppada as first principle of cognition".
[53] A triadic cognitive
attractor in neuro-biologial usage. (Spitzer 1996: 185-188, 338).
[54] After Bateson, and Tyler
Volk, Metapatterns.