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0. Abstract

The present article will sketch a method of Meta-Morphology in the thought tradition of Goethe, and a framework for envisioning a "new ontological world model", to use the diction of Gotthard Günther, based on a fundamental, a priori, triadic contextural categorization, an existential logic of a disjunct and unconversible triadic structure, that is developed from the works of C.S. Peirce, Gotthard Günther, Cyrill v. Korvin-Krasinski, and from the relation-process concept of the (pali:) Paticca Samuppada (skt: Pratitia Samutpada) of Buddhist philosophy. The primary consideration is that the transclassical logics, or the logics of history, as Gotthard Günther calls it, must be applicable to natural history as well as to the social realm. This necessitates that at the base of natural law must be as much an element of communication and relation, as it is at the base of human society and history. The foundational framework for this conception was worded by Whitehead in "Process and Reality". But it needs to be noted that a very similar concept existed since 2500 years in the relation-process concept of the Paticca Samuppada of Buddhist philosophy. Similarly, ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy emphasized the aspect of relation over the entity, as Needham has remarked. The present article seeks to bridge the wide gap that has separated the diverse existential frameworks of the Eastern and the Western cultural traditions.

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