- Contents
- Title Page
0. Deutsche Einführung, Vorbemerkungen, Preliminaries
Deutsche Einführung
Zur Vorgeschichte der Entwicklungen und der Arbeiten des Autors
Index of abbreviations, acronyms and special terms
1. Introduction, Overview, Aims
1.1. Lost and Atrophied Modes of Mental Functioning: The Morphology of Cultural Memory Systems
1.2. The Symbol, Matters of Representation, Stasis and Dynamis
1.3. Aisthesis, Mnemesis, the Mind, Understanding, the Mental Image, the Idea, tha Ratio, the Empeiria, and Multimedia
1.4. Modern Computing in the Tension Field between Leibniz and Leonardo
1.5. The Synaisthetic / Poly-Aisthetic experience: Music combinded with Mathematics, Harmonics, Sacred Geometry, Pythagoreanism, Glasperlenspiel
1.6. The tradition of Visualization
1.7. The wealth of indigenous sources
1.8. Complementary processing power: sequential computer and parallel visual
2. Neuronal feedback loops and speed: forgotten crucial factors of information system design
3. The Symbolator project: A personal introduction
3.1. Autopoiesis, natural self organization, and machine intelligence
3.2. The practical definition of the Symbolator
3.3. The mentation modalities of sounding and moving visual images
3.4. The infrastructure and technical representation of sounding and moving visual images
3.5. The programming language of the Symbolator
3.6. The essential bootstrap principle, and beware of the traps
4. The Leibniz TLSI: A secondary macro programming interface and universal ASCII User Interface Shell for Hypermedia
4.1. List of abbreviations
4.2. Abstract
4.3. Short Version of the Paper
4.4. Long Version
5. Data Processing Infrastructures for Knowledge Filtering: The TLSI Approach
5.0. Abstract, Keywords
5.1. The problem situation of MUDDL for Knowledge Work
5.2. Systematics of Knowledge filter problem factors: time, structure, and content
5.3. Solution strategies
5.4. The TLSI approach to ABF Local link structure maintenance and database match for http-addresses String- and fuzzy logic, linguistic strategies Data morphologies Dynamic selection of context sensitive weight functions for priority classing Process monitoring and Backtracking Basic and extended strategies of overview Local compacting, overview, folding, and fish eye views
5.5. Literature
6. Revenge effects and the Software Industry
Features that the current HTML / WWW browsers are lacking
6.1. Keyboard layout schemes versus ergonomics
6.2. The Wordstar diamond
6.3. The MF-2 desaster
6.4. Marketing strategies leading to contra-ergonomic schemes
6.5. The scourge of binary only configuration and control files
7. Time, Anticipation, and Pattern Processors
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Meta-Morphology and Neuronal Pattern Processors
7.3 Time, Memory, Anticipation, and Pattern Transmission
7.4 Metapatterns of Recurrence: Pythagoreanism and the Spindle of Time
7.5 Conclusion
7.6 References
8. The Ethics of Terminology and the new Academic Feudalism
8.1. Biosemiotics: Learning about Nature's efficient communication
8.2. The Development of Humanity on the Biospheric Record
8.3. The Role of Academic Science in the Techno-Capitalist Revolution
8.4. Human society growth parameters similar to bacteria colonies
8.5. Academic Science and the rising Publication Mountain
8.6. A cademic Power Structures and Feudalism
8.7. The A cademics and the Universal Priesthood Syndrom
8.8. The Operation of the Academic Power Machine
8.9. The Educational Mega-Machine
8.10. The Role of Scientific Jargon in the Power Game of Expert Elites
8.11. The Eethno-Psychoanalytical Analysis of Mathematics Terminology
8.12. Harold Innis on the Writing System
8.13. Goethe and the "Gedankenfabrik"
8.14. Strategies for Improving the Infrastructure of Scientific Terminology
8.15. Excerpt from Peirce: "The Ethics of Terminology"
8.16. Kant: Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?
8.17. Literature
9. Spatio-Temporal Perspectives: A new way for cognitive enhancement
10. Time Factors in Interface Design for Augmenting Human Intellect
11. Neuronal Resonance and User Interface Technology
11.1. Abstract
11.3. Table of Contents
11.2. Abbreviations
11.4. Neuronal Resonance Technology: History and Development
11.5. Factors of Space and Time in User Interface Technology
11.6. Time and Ergonomic Penalties of Present GUI UIT
11.7. Re-Evaluating the potential of synchronous, bi-manual HCI technology, aka the keyboard
11.8. References are in the next paper
12. The LPL TLSI Principle: Neuronal Resonance Technology, User Interface Language, and End User Programming Language
12.1. Abstract
12.2. Abbreviations
12.3. Keywords
12.4. The political dimensions of technological infrastructure decisions: Lessons from industrial history
12.5. Cognitive Engineering and NRT
12.6. The LPL TLSI principle, technological Ars Memoriae, EUPL, UIL, and CIA
12.7. CIA: The Common Interface ASCII, Macro Script Languages, forming a link between compilers and WIMP interfaces
A sample TLSI menu configuration file
12.8. The history of the LPL project and some personal views from fifteen years of experience with a self-contained standalone NR UIT
12.9. References
13. Balanced - (Phi-) Trees: The Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Noo-logy
13.1. Introduction: The Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Noo-logy
13.2. Kinds of Knowledge
13.3. Pattern Transmission Classes
13.4. A Perspective Ordering of Pattern Transmission Classes
13.5. The geospheric embedding of Pattern Transmission Classes
13.6. Noo-logy and Kalypto-logy
13.7. Time, storage, performance, and the pragmatics of knowledge
13.8. The Bibliosphere, and the crisis of witing
13.9. Continuation
13.10. Bibliography
14. Hypertext as a practical method for balancing the Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Knowledge
14.1. Abstract
14.2. Practical Background
14.3. Time factors and the computer industry
14.4. Bottlenecks and limitations of present technology
14.5. Neuronal Resonance: the lost secret of the craft traditions
14.6. The Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Hypertext
14.7. Time and the Ecology of Pragmatic Knowledge
14.8. Desiderata
14.9. The LPL hypertext converter
14.10. Bibliography
15. Neuronal Pattern Mechanisms and the Semiotic Base
15.1. Abstract
15.2. Morphology and a universe of patterns
15.3. Knowledge and Cultural Memory
15.4. The Cultural Memory System (CMS)
The Cultural Memory view
The Cultural Pattern view
Static vs. performative CMM
Cultural Memory Technology: CMT
A table view of the main types of cultural memory media
The general classification of the spectrum of CMM
Sensory / somatic modalities
Non-specific somatic modalities
Cross product of Modalities and CMM
15.5. Bibliography
16. Neuronal Resonance Fields, Aoidoi, and Sign Processes
16.1. Abstract
16.2. Preliminaries
16.3. Introduction: The Aoide-Hypothesis: Information technologies of advanced oral tradition
16.4. The Theory: Onoma-Semaiophonic Principles - Nexus Sounds, Links, and Fields
16.5. The technical construction of semaiophonic networks with Molecular Simulation and Multimedia Tools
16.6. Supporting material
Some more hints in Platon's works
The Kratylos Question
Onoma homoion to pragmati
The structure of the Kratylos text
Did Platon make a joke?
The terms used by Platon
Pythagorean Cosmology and the Alphabet: The Stoicheia as used in Kratylos and Timaios
The Kratylos examples are taken from greek epic tradition
The Rho of "movement"
Participatory events: dancing and drumming
16.7. The AOIDE model and the Kabbala
16.8. Applying the Semaiophonic Hypothesis to archaic epic language
16.9. The Age of Aoidoi: Hypothesis of a high-level oral culture
16.10. Literature
17. Music, Pattern, and the Neuro-Structures of Time Or: The Infinite Return of the Eternally Unequal
17.1. Morphology and a universe of patterns
17.2. Music, Pattern, and Pythagoreanism
17.3. The inner music of the brain: spatio-temporal computation patterns of the neuronal system
17.4. Mathematics contra Music as symbol system
17.5. Johannes Kepler
17.6. Fences, Metron and Rhythmos
17.7. Literature
Neuronal Resonance Technology und das Software-Lego-Prinzip
1. Kurzdarstellung der Themen
2. Das Pyramidale Buch: Wissensnavigation als "moderne Kunst der Perspektive"
3. Die Kunst der Perspektive und die Eröffnung neuer Denk-Potentiale: die Cyber-Equivalency
4. Die Neuaufnahme der Cyber-Equivalency als Neuronal Resonance (NR)
5. Neuronal Resonance und Multimedia-Technologie
6. Das Software-"Lego"-Prinzip
7. Das schwere Erbe der Schrift-Vergangenheit
8. Appendix
8.1.1. The Systematics of Patterns that Connect
8.1.2. Goethe, Morphology, and Metamorphosis
8.1.3. Morphology and the Controversy of Form vs. Substance
8.1.4. Meta-Morphology: the Patterns of Change
8.6.1. Come to where the Plato is...
8.6.2. Abstufung der Verständnisebenen (Skalierbarkeit) und Value-Added Strategies
8.7.1. Critical Path for Realization
9. Literatur
Die neue Kunst der Perspektive: Das Pyramidale Buch, die Neuronale Resonanz, und die Meta Pattern Machines
Kurzdarstellung der Themen
1. Einleitung, Übersicht
2. Das Pyramidale Buch: Wissensnavigation als "moderne Kunst der Perspektive"
3. Die Neuronale Resonanz (NR)
4. Meta-Morphologie: Neue Perspektiven des Wissens
4.3.1. Metapatterns als abstrakteste Formulierung von Wissen
4.3.2. General Pattern Processors und die Metapattern Machine
4.3.3. Wissen als Metapatterns
4.3.4. Die neue Mathematik und Meta-Patterns
4.3.5. Die Meta-Morphologie als allgemeinste Wissenschaft des Wissens
4.3.6. Die Pythagoräische Mathematik im NR Paradigma
4.4.1. Phylogenetische und Ontogenetische Pattern Transmission
4.4.2. Die globale kosmische Perspektive der Pattern Transmission Classes
4.4.3. Wissen, Gedächtnis, und Pattern Transmission
4.4.4. Die Verbindung der ontogenetischen Pattern Transmission und der Neuronalen Resonanz
4.6.1. Come to where the Plato is...
4.6.2. Übersetzung der fünf Platonischen Ebenen des Wissens in NR Terminologie
4.7.1. Deprogrammierung von 5000 Jahren Schrifttradition und 8000 Jahren Ackerbau-Denken
4.7.2. Was ist aus dem Werden geworden?
5. Neuronal Resonance und Multimedia-Technologie
6. Die Pyramide und die neue Kunst der Perspektive
7. Appendix
7.1.1. The Systematics of Patterns that Connect
7.1.2. Goethe, Morphology, and Metamorphosis
7.1.3. Morphology and the Controversy of Form vs. Substance
7.1.4. Meta-Morphology: the Patterns of Change
8. Literatur
The End
Addenda, Bits and Pieces
Table of Contents