0. Deutsche Einführung, Vorbemerkungen, Preliminaries
1. Introduction, Overview, Aims
2. Neuronal feedback loops and speed: forgotten crucial factors of information system design
3. The Symbolator project: A personal introduction
4. The Leibniz TLSI: A secondary macro programming interface and universal ASCII User Interface Shell for Hypermedia
5. Data Processing Infrastructures for Knowledge Filtering: The TLSI Approach
6. Revenge effects and the Software Industry
7. Time, Anticipation, and Pattern Processors
8. The Ethics of Terminology and the new Academic Feudalism
9. Spatio-Temporal Perspectives: A new way for cognitive enhancement
10. Time Factors in Interface Design for Augmenting Human Intellect
11. Neuronal Resonance and User Interface Technology
12. The LPL TLSI Principle: Neuronal Resonance Technology, User Interface Language, and End User Programming Language
13. Balanced - (Phi-) Trees: The Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Noo-logy
14. Hypertext as a practical method for balancing the Hierarchy and Histio-logy of Knowledge
15. Neuronal Pattern Mechanisms and the Semiotic Base
16. Neuronal Resonance Fields, Aoidoi, and Sign Processes
17. Music, Pattern, and the Neuro-Structures of Time Or: The Infinite Return of the Eternally Unequal
18. Neuronal Resonance Technology und das Software-Lego-Prinzip
19. Die neue Kunst der Perspektive: Das Pyramidale Buch, die Neuronale Resonanz, und die Meta Pattern Machines
20. Anticipation, Meta-Morphology, and the Promethean Venture of Computing
21. Prolegomena to an Art Theory of Event-Scape Architecture
22. Ein Struktursystem zur Klassifikation von *Wissen in der Biosphäre
The Symbolator Project:
A Spatio-Temporal Perspective Vision of Neuronal Resonance Technology,
of Technological Ars Memoriae, and of
the Aesthetics and Architectonics of Tensegrity Structures in Hypertext Node Networks
Project Draft and Outline
Andreas Goppold
Postf. 2060, 89010 Ulm, Germany
Tel. ++49 +731 921-6931
Fax: (Goppold:) +731 501-999